American Patriot

The American Common Sense Movement ... The Time Has Come For Every American to Become an Educated Voter!

The American Common Sense Pledge

I, your dedicated and elected civil servant, pledge to work only for you, the American taxpayers and citizens of the United States Of America – not for any political party or special interest group. I will help you take control of our great country.

I am humbled to serve you and to help make a difference. I am a Common Sense America first, then a Democrat, Republican, or Independent! I will spend every waking moment working with my fellow colleagues (Democrats and Republicans) on Capitol Hill on the following reforms:

1 – Budget Reform
2 – Campaign Reform
3 – Criminal Justice Reform
4 – Drug Reform
5 – Education Reform
6 – Entitlement Reform
7 – Foreign Aid Reform
8 – Gun Reform
9 – Healthcare Reform
10 – Immigration Reform
11 – Infrastructure Reform
12 – Labor Reform
13 – Legislative Reform
14 – Refugee Reform
15 – Social Security Reform
16 – Tax Reform
17 – U.N. Reform
18 – V.A. Reform
19 – Voting Reform
20 – Women’s Choice Reform

We will solve the problems (once and for all) using the Common Sense solutions the American people have suggested, or we will come up with even better Common Sense solutions we feel the American people will approve.

As a Common Sense candidate, I realize the task at hand is enormous, but I am 100% up to the challenge.

I, as a prospective representative of the American people, cannot fail the American people by simply conducting politics as usual on Capitol Hill. I realize that arguing with the other managers or worrying about pleasing my political party or its leaders isn’t going to get America back on track. I know that we must work together as a team if we’re going to see the results of our efforts.

I know that we can win back the confidence of the American people; the confidence that we, your elected officials, are finally here to serve the people, only the people, and no one else.

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